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Ashlar-Vellum Resource Library – The Design Explorer User Newsletter

Welcome to the Ashlar-Vellum user newsletter, The Design Explorer. This quarterly newsletter serves our community by providing news on events, products, our staff, and customer successes.

Q209 Newsletter image The Design Explorer, Second Quarter 2009 CONTENTS: New Hatch Patterns in Graphite v8, Graphite Users Group Starting, Reach for Your Dream, Past Design Explorer Articles Available on Website, Tutorials on You Tube, Graphite on the Go, Illuminating More than Product Design.  The Design Explorer, Second Quarter 2009 - 8.5x11 PDF file (2123.77kb)  The Design Explorer, Second Quarter 2009 - A4 PDF file (2122.36kb)

Q109 Newsletter Image The Design Explorer, First Quarter 2009 CONTENTS: Reach for Your Dream, Extended Hours for Customer Service, Cobalt, Xenon & Argon v8 Addendum and DVD Shipped, Rentals Offer New Possibilities for Today’s Economy, Cobalt Named Staff Pick, What’s Driving Your Model?: Associative vs. Constraint-driven Parametric Modeling, New Access to Outer Space.  The Design Explorer, First Quarter 2009 - 8.5x11 PDF file (1515.04kb)  The Design Explorer, First Quarter 2009 - A4 PDF file (1514.05kb)

Q408 newsletter image The Design Explorer, Fourth Quarter 2008 CONTENTS: Cobalt, Xenon & Argon SP1 Released, Holiday Hours, Graphite SP1 Hot Patch 3 Released, Don’t Forget Share, New Cobalt & Xenon Pricing, Vellum Acquires Ashlar’s Products, Preview Pane Now in Graphite Open Dialog Box, Graphite Named Staff Pick by Apple, Eliminating the “Wrong Entity on Sheet” Error, Welcome Alyona, What Do I Need to Know about 3D Printing?, Catching a Dream in Midair, The Wizard of Whiz.  The Design Explorer, Fourth Quarter 2008 - 8.5x11 PDF file (2872.81kb)  The Design Explorer, Fourth Quarter 2008 - A4 PDF file (2893.78kb)

Q308 newsletter image The Design Explorer, Third Quarter 2008 CONTENTS: Graphite v8 Service Pack 1 Released, Cobalt, Xenon & Argon v8 Service Pack 1 Update, Nisha Patel Named Director of Customer Service, Check Web for Update, RCSI to License Graphite Custom, Improved PDF Export in Graphite v8 SP1, Diagonal Line Issue Solved, Why won’t Ashlar-Vellum Open my old Mac File?, SCORE! Information Update, Graphite Quick Reference Card Available, Why is my Drawing a Tiny Speck?, Rather Be Fishing?.  The Design Explorer, Third Quarter 2008 - 8.5x11 PDF File (2237.18kb)  The Design Explorer, Third Quarter 2008 - A4 PDF File (2282.04kb)

q208 newsletter image The Design Explorer, Second Quarter 2008 CONTENTS: Cobalt™, Xenon™ & Argon™ v8 Releasing on Power PC, Graphite™ v8 SP1 in Beta, What is Organic Workflow™?, Ashlar-Vellum Organic Workflow Movie, New Features in Cobalt, Xenon and Argon v8, New SolidsWorks & Cobalt Movie in Production, New Best Things about Ashlar-Vellum Movie in Production Success Stories with Sound Bites, Running on 64-bit Processors, Welcome Elena Subbotina, New Assignments within Ashlar-Vellum, Why Do I Get a Funny Text File when Downloading Old Software Versions?, In Loving Memory, Innovative Kitchen Design Made Easier in Cobalt.  The Design Explorer, Second Quarter 2008 - 8.5x11 PDF File (2549.77kb)   The Design Explorer, Second Quarter 2008 - A4 PDF File (2602.09kb)